Sunday, August 28, 2011

Interview with Suzanne Young

First, I want to thank everyone who participated in the giveaway for the signed copy of Suzanne's book, A NEED SO BEAUTIFUL.

Suzanne was also kind enough to do an interview with me!

Suzanne Young is a brilliant scientist. Not really. But she is a former middle school teacher turned zookeeper (mother). When Suzanne’s not fending off zombie squirrels she can be found writing obsessively. Suzanne is the author of A NEED SO BEAUTIFUL and several other YA titles.

Q. How long have you been writing for and how many did you write before selling THE NAUGHTY LIST?

A. I’ve been writing since I was in middle school, starting with murder mysteries starring my friends. Thankfully my plotting has developed since then. I wrote my first full-length novel in 2007, and then three more after that before writing THE NAUGHTY LIST.

Q. What was your favorite scene to write for A NEED SO BEAUTIFUL?

A. It would be the last Need with Warren. It was very emotionally charged for me, and the basic idea of what the Needs were all about—unwavering love.

Q. Can you tell is when a summary for A WANT TO WICKED will be available?

A. I just saw it myself! Hopefully soon! It’s really exciting!

Q. How do you come up with the names of your characters?

A. I usually start by looking up old fashioned baby names. And then from there, my characters go through a couple of choices before finally settling on one. For example, I have a new book idea where the main character was Sydelle for the first 3 chapters, and now I just went back and changed her to Natalie. It fit better.

Q. Did anything inspire your upcoming book, THE PROGRAM?

A. My own experiences with depression. THE PROGRAM ended up being the combination of three of my other unpublished novels in terms of ideas.

Q. What is your favorite writing snack?

A. Candy corn.

Q. Do you have a ritual you must do before you can start writing?

A. I like to write in a clean space. I can’t stand clutter, so I often clean a little bit. But don’t even get me started on the laundry!

Q. What is worst advice you've been given since you've started writing?

A. I was once told by a professor that I could ONLY write what I know. He tore up my first short story because I wrote it from a male perspective.

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